SoulshinE Updates

Introducing the Soulshine “Fair Share” Model

Note: Model Updated Oct 23, 2023. Download below.

We continue to walk the path of embodiment and co-creation by establishing the first version of a radical festival income-sharing model that aims to support all of the gathering’s primary generators equitably. It is important to note that this is a work in progress.

As you may know, Soulshine gatherings have no sponsors, investors, or profiteering stakeholders. We are driven to generate from within, following our internal compass and carefully learning from other community-building projects. Grassroots undertakings, particularly those requiring a lot of work, struggle to find transparent and equitable mechanisms to support their contributors and preserve a co-creative environment. Solving this is less about short-term gains and more about empowerment and project longevity.

An incredible amount of work by a wide variety of people goes into building and supporting our beloved Soulshine Festival. Now in our third year, generating and sharing income is critical for maintaining momentum. 2023 presents the opportunity to introduce a Fair Share model, as the festival has the potential to surpass break-even for the first time. This year we are piloting a one-of-a-kind point system that prioritizes responsibility, applied skill, and invested time. This model aims to include as many of the primary contributors as possible, including crew leads, performers, workshop facilitators, and landowners.

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