SoulshinE Updates

Launching the Soulshine Festival Farm Network!

Step by step, we continue to embody our values. The Soulshine Farm Network is the latest example: building resiliency by generating our own community-based farm-to-table supply chain and a healthy serving of food awareness.

Food is at the core of who we are and how we live. Physically, food cultivation and consumption demand a huge portion of our resources. Psychologically, our relationship with food informs both our identity and our interconnection with the world.

Development and integration of farm-to-table practices will create access to the highest quality food, support farmers’ livelihoods, and generate awareness around food resiliency.

Our First Integrated Farm!

We have the privilege of procuring a small but significant source of produce for this year’s festival from our first integrated farm. The farm uses exclusively Heirloom seeds and employs organic, biodynamic and no-till vegetable production. These practices create healthy, nutrient-dense, non-toxic, Soulshiney food.

Introducing the Volunteer Food Pass

The Community Kitchen is at the heart of Soulshine’s ecology. In addition to the Festival Farm network, we are introducing, in 2023, the Volunteer Food Pass. This will support a higher quality offering, and bring balance to the Soulshine volunteer contribution.

Stay tuned for more details.